(UPDATE: of course, only after writing this I've discovered an easier solution -- one using Monitor.Wait() and Monitory.PulseAll()).
Here is the listing:
using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Threading; namespace Primitives.Threading { ////// A thread-safe counter (goes only down) that is capable /// of blocking threads until the counter's value reaches zero. /// public class CountdownLatch : IDisposable { private int currentCount; private ManualResetEvent countHasReachedZero = new ManualResetEvent(false); private object disposalCriticalSection = new object(); private ManualResetEvent allWaitingThreadsAreGone; private const int MaximumNumberOfWaiters = int.MaxValue - 1; ////// Note: it's safe to access/manipulate the value of this /// field only under a lock for disposalCriticalSection, /// or using the Inrerlocked methods. /// private int numberOfWaitingThreads; private bool disposed; public CountdownLatch(int initialCount) { if (initialCount <= 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "initialCount", "Must be greater than zero."); this.currentCount = initialCount; } ////// Decreases the latch' counter value by one. /// Does not throw, if the count has already reached zero. /// ///public void Decrement() { lock (this.disposalCriticalSection) { this.MakeSureTheLatchHasNotBeenDisposed(); if (this.currentCount > 0) { this.currentCount--; if (this.currentCount == 0) { this.countHasReachedZero.Set(); } } } } /// /// Current latch counter value. /// This is for informational purposes only. /// public int CurrentCount { get { return Thread.VolatileRead(ref this.currentCount); } } ////// Blocks the calling thread until the latch count becomes zero. /// ////// public void WaitUntilCountIsZero() { lock (this.disposalCriticalSection) { this.MakeSureTheLatchHasNotBeenDisposed(); this.IncrementNumberOfWaiters(); } try { this.countHasReachedZero.WaitOne(); this.ThrowIfHandleHasBeenSetByDispose(); } finally { this.DecrementNumberOfWaitersSignalingTheHandleIfDisposing(); } } /// /// This is an insane precaution: even having that many threads is simply impossible. /// ///private void IncrementNumberOfWaiters() { this.numberOfWaitingThreads++; if (this.numberOfWaitingThreads == MaximumNumberOfWaiters) { this.numberOfWaitingThreads--; throw new InvalidOperationException( String.Format( "Cannot block - only as many as {0} waiting threads are supported.", MaximumNumberOfWaiters)); } } private void DecrementNumberOfWaitersSignalingTheHandleIfDisposing() { lock (this.disposalCriticalSection) { this.numberOfWaitingThreads--; if (this.disposed && (this.numberOfWaitingThreads == 0)) { this.allWaitingThreadsAreGone.Set(); } } } /// /// Blocks the calling thread until the latch' counter value /// is zero or specified amount of time passes. /// /// Amount of time to wait for latch' /// counter value to reach zero. ///True, if the latch has signaled (counter reached zero) /// before specified Time Span elapsed; False, otherwise. ////// /// public bool WaitUntilCountIsZero(TimeSpan waitTimeSpan) { lock (this.disposalCriticalSection) { this.MakeSureTheLatchHasNotBeenDisposed(); if (waitTimeSpan < TimeSpan.Zero) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "waitTimeSpan", "Must be greater than TimeSpan.Zero."); this.IncrementNumberOfWaiters(); } try { bool gotZero = this.countHasReachedZero.WaitOne(waitTimeSpan); if (gotZero) { this.ThrowIfHandleHasBeenSetByDispose(); } return gotZero; } finally { this.DecrementNumberOfWaitersSignalingTheHandleIfDisposing(); } } private void ThrowIfHandleHasBeenSetByDispose() { lock (this.disposalCriticalSection) { if (this.disposed && (this.currentCount != 0)) throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName); } } /// /// Disposes of all unmanaged resources allocated by the latch. /// (The kernel objects used, are released). /// Also: releases all waiting threads. /// public void Dispose() { bool needToWaitForWaitersToFallOff = false; lock (this.disposalCriticalSection) { if (this.disposed) return; this.countHasReachedZero.Set(); this.disposed = true; if (this.numberOfWaitingThreads > 0) { this.allWaitingThreadsAreGone = new ManualResetEvent(false); needToWaitForWaitersToFallOff = true; } } if (needToWaitForWaitersToFallOff) { this.allWaitingThreadsAreGone.WaitOne(); this.allWaitingThreadsAreGone.Close(); } this.countHasReachedZero.Close(); } private void MakeSureTheLatchHasNotBeenDisposed() { if (this.disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName); } } }
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